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刘霞,牛俊雄 (江汉大学 物理与信息工程学院湖北 武汉430056) 
中文关键词:交通控制  交叉口  配时  仿真
Signal Optimization and Simulation of Intersections
Abstract:Webster timing method is adopted to minimize per vehicle delay based on investigation of traffic flow and current signal timing of intersections. Cycle time and green light time are determined by analyzing road capacity and traffic flow ratio, so as to improve phase saturation and make full use of the capacity of roads. The intersection of Jianshe road and Xinhua road as an example, simulation for signal timing is implemented based on the VISSIM software, and results are compared before and after optimization. It shows that phase saturation is more balanced without extreme cases of very high or very low and the average value of vehicle delay is decreased after optimization.
keywords:traffic control  intersection  signal timing  simulation
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