交叉口的信号优化与仿真 |
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引用本文:刘霞,牛俊雄.交叉口的信号优化与仿真[J].计算技术与自动化,2014,(2):133-136 |
摘要点击次数: 1808 |
全文下载次数: 94 |
中文摘要:以减小车均延误为目标,在调查交叉口交通流量和当前信号控制的基础上,采用韦伯斯特配时算法进行优化计算,并通过通行能力、交通流量比等指标来确定信号周期时长和各相位绿灯时间,改善相位饱和度,从而充分利用道路的通行能力。以建设大道新华路交叉口为例,基于实际数据对优化前后的交叉口利用vissim软件进行仿真,结果表明,优化后各相位的饱和度较优化前更为平均,没有出现很高或很低的极端情况,优化后的车均延误明显改善。 |
中文关键词:交通控制 交叉口 配时 仿真 |
Signal Optimization and Simulation of Intersections |
Abstract:Webster timing method is adopted to minimize per vehicle delay based on investigation of traffic flow and current signal timing of intersections. Cycle time and green light time are determined by analyzing road capacity and traffic flow ratio, so as to improve phase saturation and make full use of the capacity of roads. The intersection of Jianshe road and Xinhua road as an example, simulation for signal timing is implemented based on the VISSIM software, and results are compared before and after optimization. It shows that phase saturation is more balanced without extreme cases of very high or very low and the average value of vehicle delay is decreased after optimization. |
keywords:traffic control intersection signal timing simulation |
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