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张浒,王敏,黄心汉 (华中科技大学 自动化学院,湖北 武汉430074) 
中文关键词:电解液密度  支持向量机  交叉验证  参数辨识
Parameter Identification of Power Battery with Support Vector Regression
Abstract:This paper presents an identification model of electrolyte density, which based on the Support Vector Machine Theory, according to the feature that the chemical reaction of interior electrics leading to the characteristic change of exterior electrics in the discharge process of the lead-acid battery. This model simplifies the process of measuring the electrolyte density by using the nonlinear regression characteristics of the Support Vector Machine Theory, and it works better when measuring the electrolyte density of power battery in severe environment. Prediction experiment shows that the improved cross-validation pridiction model is featured by good generalization capability and stability, and can reach the expected identifying accuracy on small sample.
keywords:electrolyte density  support vector machine  cross validation  parameter identification
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