舰艇发电机励磁系统参数辨识研究 |
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引用本文:刘宁波,向东.舰艇发电机励磁系统参数辨识研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2014,(3):39-42 |
摘要点击次数: 1428 |
全文下载次数: 46 |
中文摘要:介绍辅助变量法与粒子群优化算法在舰艇发电机励磁系统辨识中的应用,并在Labview软件中编写了相应的计算程序。以某舰艇发电机励磁系统为例,在Matlab/Simulink中搭建该励磁系统仿真模型,将采样获得的输入输出数据,输入Labview辨识软件中,估计各参数值。实验分别采用+10%、+50%阶跃响应,辨识系统线性模型和非线性模型,并比较不同噪声幅值情况下的PSO辨识结果。实验结果证明PSO算法在励磁系统参数估计中的有效性。 |
中文关键词:励磁系统 参数辨识 辅助变量法 PSO |
Research on the Estimation of Ship Generator Excitation System Parameters |
Abstract:This paper expounds the application of the Instrumental Variable method and particle swarm optimization algorithm in the identification of ship generator excitation system and write the corresponding calculation program in LabVIEW. Taking a ship generator excitation system in Matlab/Simulink. Putting the input and output data sampled in Labview for estimating parameter values. Respectively +10% and +50% step response identification system linear and nonlinear models, and compare the different noise amplitude in case of PSO recognition results. The experimental results demonstrate the validity of the PSO algorithm in the excitation system parameter estimation. |
keywords:excitation system parameter identification instrumental variable PSO |
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