引用本文:胡昌丹 ,丁楠,杜 涛.基于LQR方法的巡航导弹BTT控制器设计[J].计算技术与自动化,2014,(3):43-46
摘要点击次数: 963
全文下载次数: 43
胡昌丹 ,丁楠,杜 涛 (1.第二炮兵指挥学院,武汉 湖北430012
2.武汉市第十三中学,武汉 湖北430012) 
中文关键词:巡航导弹  BTT控制  LQR控制
Design of BTT Control Technology for Cruise Missile Based on LQR
Abstract:Based on the LQR optimal control, a method for the BTT control of cruise missile was proposed. The mathematical model of the cruise missile based on the aerodynamic externality and aero characteristic was established. Then choose the appropriate state variable follow the design request of the control. Design the optimal control law based on the integral LQR. The simulation results show that the missile can track the command of the acceleration and roll without error, and also restrain the appearance of the sideslip.
keywords:cruise missile  BTT control  LQR
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