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徐龙艳,翟亚红 (湖北汽车工业学院 电气与信息工程学院湖北 十堰442002) 
中文关键词:PLC  PROFIBUS  监控  以太网
Design and Implementation the Control System of Sewage Treatment Plant Based on PLC
Abstract:This topic is based on Siemens PLC's sewage treatment plant monitoring system design. According to the characteristics of sewage treatment plant, the control system uses the current domestic and universal application of two distributed based on PLC distributed control system. Control system consists of integrated housing in the central control room control station and distributed at the site 3 PLC control station, site controller composed by three sets of Siemens PLC, communicate with each other via PROFIBUS. The design process was completed for the on-site control and the realization of the entire system for remote monitoring through a variety of on-site PLC electrical equipment to be controlled through the drive to enhance the pump frequency control, use wincc configuration of the entire sewage network process flow monitoring.
keywords:PLC  PROFIBUS  monitor  ethernet
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