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李慧玲,罗敏,罗春晖 (湖北汽车工业学院 电气与信息工程学院湖北 十堰442002) 
中文关键词:组态王  PLC  空压机  冷干机  监控
Design and Implementation of Remote Monitoring System of Air Compressor Based on PLC
Abstract:With the development of technology, Many serious equipment aging of our country and facing out .In the modern enterprise, require air compressor device has higher automation level, Adopt computer control is an inevitable trend in the development of air compressor. It can reduce the labor intensity of operators, to ensure reliable safe operation of the air compressor and promote role .Dongfeng company assembly plant has three vehicle assembly line and a test workshop, Workshop need compressed air for air compressor and person from 3 to provide, Located in three air compressor machine room. this topic is mainly to research and development based on kingview software of the monitoring interface. The whole system is controlled with PLC and configuration king software monitor. PLC main control air compressor start and stop, Kingview is used to read the pressure, So that we can understand the system at any time information, adjust, ensure the normal operation of the production process.
keywords:kingview  PLC  air compressor  person  monitoring
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