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彭强,徐龙艳,罗敏,罗春晖 (湖北汽车工业学院 电气与信息工程学院湖北 十堰442002) 
中文关键词:可编程序控制器  CC-Link  以太网  组态
Design and Implementation Remote Monitoring System of Ice Machine Based on Fameview
Abstract:This topic is designed for coating workshop of ice machines of Dong feng yu long company, which is mainly about the implementation of remote monitoring system. Ice machine remote monitoring system is based on the relay control system by adding remote monitoring system, to realize the ice machine remote monitoring and management. It adopts unified management and unity remote monitoring by the staff to improve the working efficiency, reduces the working failure rate. Paper described the ice machine monitoring system network architecture and designed the drawings of the lower computer and program, completed a PC Fameview monitoring systems and network communications.
keywords:programmable logic controller  CC-Link  ethernet  supervisory control and data Acquisition
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