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文元雄 (湖北汽车工业学院 电气与信息工程学院,湖北 十堰442002) 
中文摘要:结合东风汽车某分公司涂装生产实际,提出基于Controller Link网络的车身喷涂输送控制系统设计课题。本论文阐述该系统的结构和功能,系统利用Controller Link网完成PLC与PLC的链接,并完成数据传输。PLC根据数据完成对汽车车身油漆生产全过程的自动控制,对过程中的每一辆车身进行跟踪,记录和分析。实际运行情况表明,该系统大大提高了生产效率,优化了控制。该系统设计先进,具有很好的发展前景。
中文关键词:Controller Link网络  数据传输  自动控制
Design of a Bodywork Coating & Transporting Control System Based on Controller-link
Abstract:Combined with production fact in a branch of DFAC, start the subject :a bodywork coating & transporting control system based on Controller-Link. The paper illustrates structures & functions of the system, which use Controller-Link to link PLCs and transmit data. PLCs control auto bodywork coating process automatically depending on data, rackrecord & analysis every bodywork in .The practical operation shows that the system increased productive, optimized control. The system is designed advanced and has good development prospect.
keywords:Controller Link  date transmitting  automatic control
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