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程光伟,闫燕勤 (西安工业大学 电子信息工程学院陕西 西安710032) 
中文关键词:微波功率放大器  X波段  偏置  匹配  功率合成
Design for 30W X-band Solid State Power Amplifier Module
Abstract:Microwave power amplifier is widely used and indispensable in radar, navigation, communications, satellite earth station, electronic warfare equipment . Introduce a x-band solid-state power amplifier module design process. Through the RF simulation software ADS according to the S parameters of microwave solid state power amplifier module design and optimize bias blocking circuit and matching circuit, power amplifier through synthesis of cascade, power allocation, meet the requirements of design index.
keywords:Microwave power amplifier  X-band  Bias  Match  Power combiner
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