一种基于汽车CPS的服务调度算法 |
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引用本文:徐洪智,李仁发,曾理宁.一种基于汽车CPS的服务调度算法[J].计算技术与自动化,2014,(3):79-83 |
摘要点击次数: 1299 |
全文下载次数: 50 |
中文摘要:驾驶者通过路边基础设施感知外部环境并根据经验作出反应是汽车信息物理融合系统的一个最基本的特点,研究汽车与路边基础设施信息交互对建设汽车信息物理融合系统具有重要意义。基于汽车与路边基础设施通信的场景,提出一种新的服务消息调度模型,设计了基于优先级的调度算法,采用贪心思想,优先调度效用值大的消息,将效用值小的消息进行插空调度,最后通过实验证明了本文算法的有效性。 |
中文关键词:汽车物理信息融合系统 服务调度 优先级 贪心算法 |
An Algorithm of Service Scheduling Based on Automotive CPS |
Abstract:One of the basic characteristics of Automotive Cyber-Physical System(ACPS) is that the driver perceive the external environment through the infrastructure aside the road, and then react based on experience, so it makes sense to research the interaction between the automotive and the infrastructure with the view of ACPS. In this paper, we proposed a new service message schedule model for the scene that automotive and basic infrastructure aside the road were interacting. We designed a Service Scheduling Algorithm Based on Priority(SSABP) with greedy strategy, the algorithm schedule the messages with bigger utility value, and then deal with the messages with lower utility value by fill-in scheduling mechanism. We proved that our algorithm have better performance by simulation. |
keywords:automotive Cyber-physical system service scheduling priority greedy algorithm |
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