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李义超,罗飞 (华南理工大学 自动化科学与工程学院广东 广州510641) 
中文关键词:目标跟踪  均值漂移  粒子滤波  混合特征  离岗检测
An Object Tracing Algorithm Suitable for Off-position Detection
Abstract:In this paper, we propose an improved object tracing algorithm which is suitable for off-position detection in intelligent security filed. This algorithm takes advantage of mean shift and particle filter, pre-traces the object by the mean-shift algorithm and then calculates the accurate position by particle algorithm, which shortens computing time on the premise of insuring tracing accuracy. Besides, according to the problem that the low-resolution and low contrast of surveillance video, a new hybrid feature based on the gray scale information and texture information is regarded as the main feature of object in video scene. At last, experiment results prove that the improved object tracing algorithm with hybrid feature have better performance of tracking accuracy and real-time, which is applied more widely than other algorithms.
keywords:object tracing  mean-shift  particle filter  hybrid feature  off-position detection
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