基于Kriging滤波的高精度视线转率估计方法 |
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引用本文:查世政, 王永骥,苏茂.基于Kriging滤波的高精度视线转率估计方法[J].计算技术与自动化,2014,(4):20-25 |
摘要点击次数: 1473 |
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中文摘要:针对空间目标拦截器拦截过程中,有高斯噪声干扰的视线转率估计问题,提出基于Kriging滤波视线角转率估计方法。该方法先进行惯性视线角的重构,再设计窗函数,通过非模型的数值方式估计出视线角转率。仿真结果表明,该方法计算量小,不受模型约束,可以有效提高视线转率的估计精度,进而提高制导精度降低脱靶量。 |
中文关键词:惯性视线重构 视线角转率估计 Kriging滤波 |
6An High-precision LOS Rate Estimation Method Based on Kriging Filtering |
Abstract:This study presents a novel solution to the estimation of inertial line-of-sight(LOS) rate with the disturbance of white Gaussian noise during the flying of the interceptor, which is based on the Kriging filtering derivative estimation method. This study proposes an integrated procedure to the reconstruction of inertial LOS angle, and then a window function is designed to estimate LOS angle rate in a mathematical way with using system models. Finally, the simulation results shows that the designed method has good estimation performance, with smaller amount of computation and effective improvement of guidance precision. |
keywords:LOS angle reconstruction LOS rate estimation Kriging filtering |
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