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王晓雷,尹太元,王海泉 (中原工学院河南 郑州450007) 
中文摘要:直流电机调速系统是典型的闭环控制系统,是机电控制的典型课题。本文提出一种基于MATLAB的快速高效的控制系统开发方法,克服传统的控制系统设计周期长、效率低的缺点。将MATLAB多个工具箱巧妙结合应用,实现全过程基于MATLAB的直流电机调速系统的快速设计。应用MATLAB中的System Identification工具箱实现直流电机的数学建模,应用Simulink对控制系统进行仿真,应用Simulink Design Optimization工具箱实现PID参数的自动寻优,应用RTW技术免去繁琐的编程过程,实现代码自动生成,将生成的代码下载至DSP目标板,完成整个控制系统设计。相对传统的设计方法,该方法具有高效、快速和方便调整等特点,对其他控制系统设计具有一定的借鉴意义。
中文关键词:仿控一体化  PID自寻优  代码生成
Rapid Design of Whole Process of DC Motor Speed Control System Based on MATLAB
Abstract:DC motor speed control system is a typical closed-loop control system model ofelectromechanical control subject. This paper presents a fast and efficient method of developing control system based on MATLAB,overcoming the shortcomings of the low efficiency of cycle in the traditional control system design . Complete the whole control system design with the combination of toolboxes of MATLAB to realize the whole process of design of DC motor speed control system rapidly. Apply the System Identification toolbox of MATLAB to model the DC motor, the Simulink toolbox to simulate the control system,Simulink Design Optimization toolbox to optimize the PID parameters automatically, the RTW technology to generate the codes for the DSP target board.Comparing with the traditional design method, this method is efficient,fast and convenient to adjust, has a certainsignificance to the design of other control systems.
keywords:simulation-control integration  optimization of PID  code generation
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