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程旭,巨克真,郭伟 (南京南瑞集团公司江苏 南京210003) 
中文关键词:性能  监控  Jwebap
Research and Upgrade Monitoring Performance Framework Jwebap
Abstract:Performance issues exist in enterprise application systems developed by Java. When network environment and state of hardware is good enough to support its ordinary operation, the execution time duration of method in the server can be the key to solve the performance problem. A long-term method can be found by monitoring method execution time. Among current performance monitoring tools, Jwebap framework, based on java bytecode injection, implements the function of method and SQL execution time monitoring effectively. This paper analyzes the structure and design principle of the framework, describes the ASM bytecode injection mechanism and traces tracking mechanisms used in Jwebap, and discusses the development of the method tree function, as well as access the SQL information through the method trace. In addition, use suggestions of Jwebap are made according to the comparison tests, which show the effects on system performance.
keywords:performance  monitoring  jwebap
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