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徐刚强,林燕 (1.中南大学 迪迈数科技,湖南 长沙410083
,湖南 长沙4101513.湖南邮电职业技术学院,湖南 长沙410015) 
中文关键词:数据仓库  数据挖掘  辅助决策  招考志愿
Applying to College Aided Decision Support System Based on Data Mining
Abstract:This paper uses the data mining technology, through the comprehensive analysis of the college entrance examination history data to build a aided decision support system of applying to college, Aims to provide aided decision support for student. System using data preprocessing of data warehouse technology and multidimensional modeling builds the data warehouse with admission data analysis as the theme . Using on-line analytical technology for multidimensional data analysis, and classification method in data mining technology to realize applying to college aided decision support
keywords:data warehouse  data mining  aided decision  applying to collegeo
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