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马珂,刘任任,刘新 (湘潭大学 信息工程学院湖南湘潭411105) 
中文关键词:网络安全  虚拟机  恶意代码分析  内核模块
Analysis of Kernel-malware Behavior Based on “In-VM”
Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet, threats of network security have become increasingly serious. Malware analysis and detection have become a hot research topic. Malware behavior analysis helps to extract the characteristics of malicious code, is the premise of detecting malicious code, but at the current level of development,the automated capture method is difficult to analyze behaviors of kernel module. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposed a kernel modules malicious behavior analysis method based on “In-VM” , experimental results show that this method can analyze system calls and data manipulation of kernel modules .
keywords:network security  virtual machine  malware analysis  kernel module
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