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李雪,李茂军,王鼎湘,成立,张家臣 (长沙理工大学 电气与信息工程学院湖南 长沙410004) 
中文关键词:公交调度  时间间隔  状态空间模型  状态进化矩阵  选种池
Intelligent Optimization Algorithm Based on State Space Model and its Application
Abstract:An intelligent optimization algorithm with real strings based on state space model (SIA) was presented to solve bus dispatching problem in urban public transport system. The basic idea of genetic algorithm (GA) was introduced to SIA. The state evolution matrix was constructed to guide the search direction of the algorithm, then through the selection mechanism of selection pool to approach optimal solution. This algorithm and GA were applied to the public transport optimization dispatching problem. Mathematical model was set up by considering the time interval,and the benefit maximization of enterprises and passengers. The results of example simulation show that SIA is better than GA in optimization accuracy and amount of calculation.
keywords:pubic transport dispatching  time interval  state space model  state evolution matrix  selection pool
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