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毕孝儒,侯爱莲 (1.四川外国语大学 重庆南方翻译学院 管理学院重庆401120
2.中国人民银行 长沙中心支行,湖南 长沙410005) 
中文关键词:P2P网络流识别    半监督学习  标记传播
Improved Graphic Semi-supervised SVM for P2P Network Traffic Identification
Abstract:In P2P network traffic identification, aiming at the problems that passive machine learning needs a lot of labeled training data ,an improved graphic semi-supervised learning method was proposed. and with SVM used in P2P network traffic identification. Gauss kernel function of self-regulation was applied for calculating similar distance of graphic model.Meanwhile,in the course of label propagation, local distribution information of training samples was added to get label of unlabeled samples.Finally, the labeled samples were used to train SVM for P2P network traffic identification. Simulation shows that the method can give consideration to all the information of training samples, effectively improve accuracy rate of P2P network traffic identification and greatly reduce the cost of labeling training samples.
keywords:P2P network traffic identification  graph  semi-supervised learning  label propagation
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