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张圆圆 (钦州学院 物理与电子工程学院,广西 钦州535000) 
中文关键词:手势识别  背景差分  粒子滤波  实时控制
Research on Visual Gesture Recognition Technology and Its Application
Abstract:This paper studied the gesture recognition technology based on the vision, and realized the application of multimedia teaching based on the technology on the platform of OpenCV. That is, in the process of the slideshow flip,slide can be controlled by the dynamic gesture. Firstly,the gesture detection was impleminted through the camera to capture images and using background subtraction method combined with color histogram. Secondly, through the analysis and comparison of several dynamic gesture tracking algorithms, the mainstream nonlinear tracking algorithm-particle filter algorithm,was adrpted. The results of pattern recognition were applied to multimedia presentations, realizing the real-time control of PPT flip function by dynamic hand gesture.
keywords:gesture recognition  background differencing  particle filter  real-time control
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