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车路,张焕远,夏亚东 (山东农业大学 网络与教育技术部山东 泰安271018) 
中文关键词:云监控  云计算监控  分布式系统
Design and Realization of Cloud Monitoring Platform Based on Open Source Software
Abstract:Internet service based on cloud computing has rapidly increased in recent years, and the infrastructure of data center and application resources have also increased. So, in order to guarantee the reliability of cloud service, timely and highly efficient monitoring and usability of management resources are needed. This paper proposed a kind of cloud monitoring system framework to control cloud computing resources through researches on contents and features of cloud monitoring. The distributed architecture, logic processing module and interface of cloud monitoring were designed, and in practical case, batch monitoring over physical main machine, virtual machine and application service in private cloud have been finished with the realization of storage and demonstration of data.
keywords:cloud monitoring  cloud computing monitoring  distributed system
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