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曹逸凡,吴凤娇 (西北农林科技大学 水利与建筑工程学院陕西 杨凌712100) 
中文关键词:带参数混沌系统  渐近稳定性  Hopf分岔  Hopf分岔控制
Hopf Bifurcation Control of a Chaotic System
Abstract:Using Routh-Hurwitz criterion and hopf bifurcation theory, the dynamical behaviors of a chaotic system with parameters were investigated, and a feedback controller was designed to stabilize the system. The effects of the system parameters and controller parameters on the system stability and hopf bifurcation type were discussed, and the parameter conditions for the system stability with no hopf bifurcation were found out. The results indicate that both the linear control part and nonlinear control part in the controller can change the bifurcation behaviors of the system, which make the system asymptotically stable. Finally the numerical simulation proves the effectiveness of the controller.
keywords:chaotic system with parameters  asymptotic stability  hopf bifurcation  hopf bifurcation control
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