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郑志兴,朱添福,余永城 (福建省气象信息中心福建 福州350001) 
中文摘要:基于宁德市水利局、水文局、气象局等部门观测数据,建立防汛指挥信息集成掌上平台,为防汛指挥提供决策服务。平台建设涉及跨部门、跨网段、跨地域。文章重点介绍平台的实现难点:使用远程处理框架技术(.net Remoting)方便地解决部门间分布式数据库的命令传递;采用C#实现数据收集模块。最后,文章介绍了防汛平台功能特点。
中文关键词:分布式数据库;.net Remoting;C#  掌上平台
Design and Implementation of the Flood Control Handheld Platform in Ningde City
Abstract:Based on the observation data of Ningde Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau, bureau of hydrology, Meteorological Bureau and other departments, a platform on the palm was established for flood control and command, information integration, which offers decision service for flood control. The construction of the platform involves multi-sectors. This paper focused on the difficulty to realize the platform: using.Net remoting to realize the remote command department distributed database transfer, and using C# to realize data collection module. Finally, the article introduced the functional characteristics of flood control platform.
keywords:distributed database  net remoting  C#  handheld platform
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