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杨亮,易吉良,李军军,黄林森 (湖南工业大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 株洲412007) 
中文关键词:传统型Z源  改进型Z源  电容应力  电流纹波
A Modified Z Source Inverter
Abstract:The traditional Z source inverter exists the shortcomings such as the input current being discontinuous, the impact current at start being large, and big capacitance stress defects. And in order to overcome the shortage of the Z source inverter, a new source of Z circuit topology was studied. Under the same boost in cases, the improved topology capacitance stress significantly reduced, and the impulse current was suppressed. Their topology of the working principle was briefly compared, and single-phase Z source inverter was simulated through the saber software. The simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the performance of the modified Z source topology .
keywords:traditional Z source  the modified Z source  capacitance stress  current ripple
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