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刘东升,白桦,李文君,宋发兴 (中国洛阳电子装备试验中心,河南 济源459000) 
中文关键词:摩擦模型  摩擦补偿  自适应控制
Analysis and Simulation for Self-adaptive Control Method Based on LuGre Friction Model
Abstract:This paper introduced a method, which can reduce the friction factor affecting the rotation accuracy level in the turntable servo system at low speed. The speed and position of truntable will be biased influced by friction in the rotation process, so we add the friction compensation control in the turntable. By rational method, it can be concluded that the adaptive friction compensation can greatly decreace track error, compared with the traditonal friction compensation. We also made the simulation based on MATLAB environment.
keywords:friction model  friction compensation  self-adaptive control
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