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余小游,李永艳,聂俊伟,李建,孙广富 (1.湖南大学 信息科学与工程学院湖南 长沙4100822.国防科学技术大学 卫星导航研发中心湖南 长沙410073) 
中文关键词:天线阵  子空间投影  抗干扰  阵列增益
A New Improved Subspace Projection Anti-jamming Algorithm
Abstract:Subspace projection algorithm is a kind of important GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) antenna anti-jamming algorithm. Under the condition of strong interference, subspace projection anti-jamming algorithm can suppress strong interference to the maximum extent, while it will also cause a large loss of useful signal. From the perspective of array gain, we propose a new GNSS system anti-jamming algorithm based on subspace projection to reduce the useful signal loss effectively, First, a general signal model of GNSS antenna array is established; then, on the basis of deriving the expression of the interference suppression, improved algorithm proposed in this paper and subspace projection algorithm are compared and analyzed. Simulation results show that when the input noise ratio is 30dB, the array output carrier to noise ratio of the new algorithm is improved 1.2dB, compared with the subspace projection algorithm.
keywords:antenna array  subspace projection  anti-jamming  array gain
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