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杨凡稳,曾志高,刘强,刘丽红,易胜秋,钟智彦 (湖南工业大学 计算机与通信学院湖南 株洲412007) 
中文摘要:针对传统聚类算法在图像分割中对聚类中心选择敏感,可靠性差的缺点,本文采用AP聚类算法研究图像分割问题。AP(Affinity propagation)聚类算法是通过数据点之间的信息传递产生高质量的聚类中心,避免了聚类初始中心选择难的问题。本文通过与K均值算法和模糊C均值算法在图像分割中的实验比较,得出本算法优于其他两种算法,对图像可取得良好的分割效果。
中文关键词:近邻传播  聚类算法  图像分割
Research and Application OfImage SegmentationBased on APClustering Algorithm
Abstract:Aiming at the problem that many conventional clustering algorithms have low reliability due to the fact thatthey are very sensitive to the value which is selected for the initial clustering center,the affinity propagation clustering algorithm which avoids the difficulty of selecting initial cluster centers by generating high quality centers through the transmission of messages between different data-points is used in this paper for image segmentation.By comparing with experimental results of image segmentation using K-means algorithm and fuzzy C-means algorithm individually,the present algorithm is superior to them and can get much better segmentation results.
keywords:affinity propagation  clustering algorithm  image segmentation
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