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王鹏程,龙永新,文志强,吴金津,廖飞 (湖南工业大学 计算机与通信学院湖南 株洲412007) 
中文关键词:Harris算法  NCC  积分图像  图像匹配
An Image Matching Method Based on Edge Integral and Neighborhood Purification
Abstract:For questions that Harris algorithm detect corner,the threshold is set to be repeated, the paper has been improved on the Harris algorithm, using the edge of the integral image, the number of edge point on neighborhood to determine the corresponding threshold. Meanwhile, the NCC algorithm was further improved by comparing the point of the beginning of the inner case of matching the distribution of edge points, the matching point of the early eluting reduces the running time of the algorithm.
keywords:harris algorithm  NCC  integral image  image matching
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