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王振辉,王振铎,王静婷 (1.西安翻译学院 工程技术学院,陕西 西安710105
2.西安思源学院 电子信息工程学院陕西 西安710038) 
中文关键词:MongoDB  数据分页  索引  查询
Improvement and Optimization on MongoDB Paging Technology
Abstract:With the increasing amount of data, the efficiency of using the built-in mongo database skip and limit combination paging algorithm is low, which has become an important issue affecting the performance of database access. From the analysis on the key factors affecting the speed paging query, this paper proposed the fine-grained query improved algorithm and where-limit algorithm. Through theoretical deduction and comparison of the experimental results with the original algorithm, this paper analyzed the usage scenarios and the advantages and disadvantages of two kinds of new algorithm. The two algorithms were applied to practical application of Web2.0 logging system, and achieved good results. Finally, other factors affecting the data pages were discussed in order to improve Web application performance better.
keywords:MongoDB  data paging  index  query
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