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唐健,李鹏,盘宏斌,郭有贵,沈正斌 (湘潭大学 信息工程学院湖南 湘潭411100) 
中文关键词:PWM整流器  模糊PI  内模控制  三相
Hybrid Fuzzy-PI and Internal Model Control Strategy for PWM Rectifier
Abstract:The nonlinear character of PWM rectifiers makes the design of controller some difficult. Facing the increasing requirements of PWM rectifiers, the traditional controller couldn't achieve satisfactory results. This paper proposed a new dual-loop control strategy with a hybrid fuzzy-PI voltage control as the outer-loop and an internal model current control as the inner-loop. The hybrid fuzzy-PI control makes the system have a faster responsiveness and a less overshoot, current loop adopting internal model control has solved the problem of excessive reliance on the precise mathematical model, improved the performance of anti-interference and simplified the design of controller. Theoretical analysis and simulation result has verified the correctness and feasibility of the control strategy presented.
keywords:PWM rectifier  hybrid fuzzy-PI  internal model control  three-phase
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