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杨楠,吕红娟,陈婷 (1.西安铁路职业技术学院,陕西 西安7100142.西安铁路局西安供电段,陕西 西安710014) 
中文关键词:复杂网络  社区检测  蚁群优化算法  多目标优化
Multi Target of Community Detection Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Optimization
Abstract:As a single objective optimization problem, usually the solution of ant colony optimization algorithm is restricted to a specific range, since there is only one objective function. When the optimization target is not appropriate, the algorithm may fall into failure, such as resolution limitation. This paper combined the concept of multi-objective optimization with ant colony optimization algorithm for the traditional community detection, which increased the number of objective function. The algorithm introduced multi goal strategy, proposed multi-objective ACO algorithm, and generated a set of Pareto optimal solutions in a single run process. And the three real world networks show the effectiveness and accuracy of the algorithm.
keywords:complex networks  community detection  ant colony optimization algorithm  multi-objective optimization
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