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王建锋,于镇赫,贾云亮 (西京学院 机械工程学院陕西 西安710123) 
中文关键词:图像分割  FCM算法  KFCM算法  路面裂纹
Study on Pavement Crack Image Segmentation Based on Improved KFCM Algorithm
Abstract:The quality of image segmentation directly influences the identification and classification of the pavement crack, and it is the key step for the pavement crack identification. Aiming at the problem of local optimal in the iterative results of the average kernel clustering algorithm for the pavement image blur, this paper put forward an improved fuzzy kernel clustering algorithm, which obtains the best threshold value by the OTSU algorithm, then gets the mean gray value of each clustering based on the threshold value, and makes the mean gray value as the initial value of the clustering center to realize the fuzzy clustering algorithm. The test results of the pavement crack image segmentation show that it realizes the majorization of the initial clustering center, avoids local optimal and improves the segmentation effect. It can be applied to the pavement crack image segmentation.
keywords:image segmentation  FCM algorithm  KFCM algorithm  road crack
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