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陈松,荣军,彭佳豪,唐江,杨陈明,何飞 (1.湖南理工学院 信息与通信工程学院湖南 岳阳4140062.合肥工业大学 电气与自动化工程学院安徽 合肥230009) 
中文关键词:传感器  粮库  检测  ZigBee技术
The Network Design of Detection System for Grain Storage
Abstract:In view of the present situation that large grain storage environment monitoring points are scattered, this paper has designed one kind of wireless sensor network central monitoring system of a tree topology. The system uses the ZigBee wireless transmission technology as the core, and combines with the temperature and humidity sensor module to make up of network node detection of wireless sensor. The system can make real-time detection of field environment, and transfer the data detected through the routing node to the host computer. The routing nodes communicate with the terminal node by wireless communication, and the detected data can be transmitted in real time to the central monitoring computer. Finally the system realizes the multi-point grain internal detection and real-time monitoring.
keywords:sensor  grain storage  examination  ZigBee technology
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