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梁阔洋 (东北石油大学 计算机与信息技术学院黑龙江 大庆163318) 
中文关键词:支持向量机  遗传算法  特征选择  参数优化  垃圾文章
Recognition of Spam in Wechat Based on the Support Vector Machine with Improving Genetic Algorithm
Abstract:In recent years, along with the rapid development and popularization of Wechat, it becomes one of the essential applications on smart mobile device. Meanwhile, it brings tremendous troubles that a large number of swindling messages and rubbish ads on Wechat appeared. Extracting Wechat articles from Sogou & Wechat search as samples, this paper regards the recognition of spam in Wechat as a question of text classification, uses the support vector machine to do the disaggregated model training of samples, and applies the improving genetic algorithm to optimize parameters on support vector machine. The author introduces particularly the application of improving genetic algorithm on the support vector machine. Comparing to traditional support vector machine, support vector machine with improving genetic algorithm could improve the accuracy rate of model and its optimization efficiency. Finally, this paper conducts the classification model experiment of which test set is constituted of 15000 articles on Wechat. The result shows accuracy rate of this method could reach to 94.7% which is accurate extremely to recognize spam articles on Wechat.
keywords:support vector machine  genetic algorithm  feature selection  parameter optimization  spam
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