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何建新,贾丽媛 (湖南城市学院 信息科学与工程学院,湖南 益阳413000) 
中文摘要:无线多媒体传感器网络视频流传输需要提供多样性QoS保障,传统的无线传感器网络路由协议不能很好地保证多媒体视频流数据传输, 改进多径路由算法TPGF下一跳节点选择方法,提出一种适合视频流传输的区分服务多路径Qos路由算法DSMQRA。综合考虑各路径跳数与节点剩余能量情况,在源节点与汇聚节点间找到多条优化的节点不相交路径;采用区分服务机制,重点保护视频流关键帧,提高视频流传输质量。在NS2环境下与AODV、GPSR、TPGF等算法进行仿真对比分析,实验结果表明DSMQRA算法能够有效延长网络生存时间、降低丢包率、减小帧延时、图像峰值信噪比较高,更加适合无线多媒体传感器网络视频流数据传输。
中文关键词:无线多媒体传感器网络  区分服务  多径路由  算法
A Novel Video Streams Differentiated Services Multipath QoS Routing Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
Abstract:By improving the next hop node selection method for multipath routing algorithm TPGF, this paper proposed a novel video streams differentiated services multipath QoS routing algorithm (DSMQRA).Considering the path hops and residual energy of the node, the algorithm can find node-disjoint multipaths, which have already been optimized between source node and sink node. The DSMQRA adopts the idea of differentiated services to give more protection to the key frames of the video streams, to improve the quality of video stream transmission. Compared with GPSR, AODV and TPGF, the simulation results in the NS2 show that the DSMQRA can prolong the network lifetime effectively, reduce packet loss rate and frame transmission delay, the decoded image is the most clear. It is more suitable to transfer the multimedia video streams for WMSNs.
keywords:wireless multimedia sensor networks  differentiated services  multipath routing  algorithm
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