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张国云,李亚斌,向烂群,涂兵,吴健辉 (湖南理工学院 信息与通信工程学院湖南 岳阳414006) 
中文关键词:四旋翼飞行器  悬停技术  四元素算法  卡尔曼滤波算法
Design and Implementation of Hovering Algorithm for Quad-rotor Aircraft
Abstract:The four rotor hovering algorithm was carried out taking the self-made quad-rotor aircraft as the research object. The control center obtains the flight data through the sensor MPU6050, and the flight attitude is got through the data obtained, and then the design of the hovering algorithm is carried out with the combination of the pressure sensor and the camera. The program algorithm mainly includes four-elements, PID, Kalman filter and visual positioning algorithm, and the corresponding data is calculated. Finally the control system drives the brushless motor to complete its hover and controlling through electronic control system.
keywords:quad-rotor aircraft  hover technology  Four-element algorithm  Kalman filtering algorithm
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