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赵立军,程增杰,李文一,苏国营,张晶 (中国地震局第一监测中心天津300180) 
中文摘要:在Visual C++平台上编写了水准仪磁致误差检定程序。利用NI-VISA接口对产生磁场的可编程电源输出电流进行精确控制,通过Access数据库实现对仪器信息和检定数据的存储与提取,最终根据规程要求计算出检定结果并将其在对话框中进行打印(或预览),可应用于磁致误差检定装置中以提高检定效率和自动化水平。
中文关键词:磁致误差检定  NI-VISA  数据库  打印及打印预览
Realization of Magnetic Error Calibration Software of Levels in VC++
Abstract:In the environment of Visual C++, the calibration software of the magnetic error of Levels was developed. First, the precise control of the output current of programmable power was realized by using the NI-VISA interface. Secondly, the Access database was used to store and read the instrument information and verification data. Finally, the verification results were calculated according to the regulations and printed (or print preview) in dialogue. The software can be applied to the calibration of magnetic error of Levels to enhance the calibration efficiency and the degree of automation.
keywords:calibration of magnetic error  NI-VISA  database  printing and print preview
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