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杨富华,彭钢 (西南医科大学 现代教育技术中心四川 泸州646000) 
中文关键词:用户日志挖掘  高校综合信息门户  页面推荐
Page Recommendation of College Synthetical Information Portals Based on Server Logs Mining
Abstract:This paper discussed a page recommendation of college synthetical information portals based on server logs mining. Firstly, the user log data was obtained from server logs, which were then pretreated with “dirty” data. Secondly, the interest-measure of each user pairs was calculated by the processed data sets, and the data set of interest-measure of each user pairs was divided into multiple classes with similar interest-measure based on improved K-means clustering algorithm. Finally, personalized page recommendation method was provided to each user. The experimental results prove the effectiveness of the method in college information portals.
keywords:server logs mining  college synthetical information portals  page recommendation
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