引用本文:闫 婧.电动汽车充电站的无功补偿控制策略研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2017,(2):91-94
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闫 婧 (山西大学 自动化系山西 太原 030013 ) 
中文关键词:电动汽车充电站  晶闸管投切电容器  无功补偿  模糊控制
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Reactive Compensation Control Strategy Research
Abstract:In order to improve the electric vehicle charging station connected to the electricity grid caused by the voltage fluctuation and the shortage of reactive power quality problems,this paper proposes a grid for reactive compensation control strategy. Conbining the thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) reactive power compensation device and fuzzy control,using the method of expert experience,output is under control through the double input and the cutting of the TSC will be controlled. Simulation results show that the voltage will maintain in the normal after the control strategy compensation,the required reactive power in power grid decreased significantly and the simulation will speed up,which means the strategy of fuzzy control is effective and feasible,
keywords:electric car charging stations,thyristor switched capacitor,reactive power compensation,fuzzy control
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