引用本文:郑武略1,尚 涛2,金 钊3.固定翼巡线无人机实时蚁群算法路径规划[J].计算技术与自动化,2017,(2):109-112
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郑武略1,尚 涛2,金 钊3 (1.广州市南方电网 广东 广州 510000 2. 广州市南方电网 广东 广州 510000 3.电子科技大学 四川 成都 611731) 
中文关键词:无人机  实时路径规划  蚁群算法
Online Path Planning Offixed Wing with Ant Colony Algorithm in Line Patrol
Abstract:Because of premature in traditional ACO(Ant Colony Optimal),this article comes up with a improved algorithm and use this algorithm to realize the multifactor control in UAV online path planning to improve the speed and global search. By combing local evaporation with global pheromone update,the ACO has a higher speed in finding optimal planning path. What’s more,it’s suit for the self adjust UAV path planning. Through the improving ACO,a more precise and efficiency path can be found.
keywords:unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)  path planning online  ant colony optimal(ACO)
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