引用本文:战 非1,张少茹2.云计算中基于Tent映射的混沌混合加密算法研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2017,(2):113-117
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战 非1,张少茹2 (1西安航空学院 计算机学院陕西 西安 710077 2西安交通大学 医学院,陕西 西安 710049) 
中文关键词:云计算  混沌理论  Hadoop平台  DES算法  RSA算法
Research on Chaotic Hybrid Encryption Algorithm Based on Tent Mapping in Cloud Computing
Abstract:This paper introduces the characteristics of cloud computing and the Hadoop distributed computing framework,and studies the hybrid encryption algorithm which introduces chaos theory into the cloud computing. Firstly,the traditional encryption algorithm DES and RSA are analyzed,and the defects of the two in the cloud computing are described. A chaotic hybrid encryption algorithm (CDR) is proposed by introducing the chaos theory. The algorithm generates random chaotic sequences by Tent mapping,and converts it to the initial key,and then mixed with DES and RSA algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the data,which effectively improves the efficiency and security of the algorithm. Finally,experiments are conducted on the Hadoop platform,in which a cluster simulation cloud environment is built,through horizontal comparison of the experimental results with DES and RSA algorithm,the CDR algorithm is proved to be more suitable for data encryption in the cloud computing environment.
keywords:cloud computing  chaos theory  Hadoop  DES  RSA
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