引用本文:周嘉伟 1,2.简易数字信号传输性能分析仪的设计与实现[J].计算技术与自动化,2017,(3):40-44
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周嘉伟 1,2 (1湖南理工学院 信息与通信工程学院湖南 岳阳 414006 2复杂工业物流系统智能控制与优化湖南省重点实验室湖南 岳阳 414006) 
中文摘要:设计了一套简易数字控制的信号传输性能分析仪,包括由数字信号发生器、信道模拟低通滤波器等组成的数字信号发送模块、信号传输和数字信号接收分析模块三部分,通过观察接收信号的眼图估计系统传输性能。发送端通过线性移位寄存器构成数字信号发生器,码元速率调整通过程控数字时钟模块实现步进可调,低通滤波器采用三阶巴特沃斯有源滤波器。接收端通过低通滤波、信号整形后进行同步信号提取、解码和眼图显示。经过严格测试,解码的曼彻斯特编码数据与发送端完全一致,同步信号稳定可靠,系统运行稳定。 
中文关键词:信号传输  ARM  编码  眼图
Design and Implementation of Simple Digital Signal Transmission Performance Analyzer
Abstract:A simple digital control signal transmission performance analyzer is designed,comprising a digital signal generator,analog low-pass filter composed of digital signal transmission module,signal transmission and digital signal analysis module of the three part,and it can estimate the transmission performance of the system through the eye diagram observation of the received signal.The sender consists of digital signal generator through a linear shift register ,and symbol rate adjustment realizes step adjustable through program digital clock module,and low pass filter adopts three order Butterworth filter.The receiving end extracts synchronous signal ,decodes and displayes the eye diagram through the low-pass filtering and signal shaping.After rigorous testing,the decoding of the Manchester encoded data is completely consistent with the transmitter,the synchronization signal is stable and reliable,and the system is stable.
keywords:signal transmission  ARM  encoding  eye diagram
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