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蒋慧敏 (合肥工业大学 信息工程系安徽 宣城 242000) 
中文关键词:拐点  识别算法  Zigzag指标  K线  期货
Design and Implementation of the K-line Trend Inflection Point Recognition Algorithm Based on Zigzag
Abstract:Applying Zigzag index to predict the trend of futures prices is one of the concerns of building algorithm trading model for K-line trend features in future program trading system.According to the actual development of Zigzag index function in a futures program trading system, the recognition algorithm of the high, low and inflection points for K-line trend based on Zigzag is proposed.In order to improve the return rate on the K-line trend trading model, the above algorithm in specific K-line pattern recognition of futures time series is employed, and the deep, deviation and back parameters of Zigzag are optimized.The experimental results show that the algorithm with high identification accuracy and good stability can meet the needs of rapid recognition of K-line trend inflection point in the futures program trading system.
keywords:inflection  recognition algorithm  Zigzag index  K-line  futures
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