引用本文:张 弛,丁泽文,刘林武.基于抽象解释的迹划分技术研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2017,(4):88-92
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张 弛,丁泽文,刘林武 (南京航空航天大学 计算机与技术学院,江苏 南京 211106) 
中文关键词:抽象解释  迹划分  静态分析  运行时错误  软件安全性
Research on Trace Partitioning Based on Abstract Interpretation
Abstract:Ensuring the absence of run-time errors in the program is important for the software safety.The program semantics was abstracted by the static analysis method based on abstract interpretation.It is the most appropriate formal method for validating run-time errors.However,the over-approximation of program semantics by the abstract interpretation may lead to false alarms,which reduce the accuracy of analysis.So the technology of trace partitioning was proposed.The control-flow-graph was partitioned according to the trace,and then the process of static analysis can be local refinement.The method reduced the false alarms caused by over-approximation.Trace partitioning obtains higher analytical accuracy at the cost of reduction of local analysis efficiency.
keywords:abstract interpretation  trace partitioning  static analysis  run-time error  software safety
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