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蔡耀年1,王明琪2,刘建森1,赵陆军3,李贤靓4 (1.国网西宁供电公司青海 西宁 8100032.国网海东供电公司青海 海东 8106993沈阳华研电气科技有限公司辽宁 沈阳 1001794北京普锐电子有限公司北京 100070) 
中文关键词:窃电检测  离群算法  密度聚类  用电频率  关联规则  评价矩阵
Research on Detection of Electric Larceny Based on Outlier Algorithm
Abstract:In view of the practical difficulties of on-site verification of stealing power, a method based on outlier mining is proposed. The outlier detection algorithm based on density clustering algorithm, the electricity consumption fluctuation pattern recognition method based on different, potential outliers mining frequency, outlier distance and correlation calculation based on abnormal rules, and through the evaluation matrix to determine the threshold for outlier outliers exist the possibility of stealing behavior of uncertainty analysis based on the implementation of detection of acts of stealing data. Finally, the simulation test shows that the algorithm has better performance than other data mining algorithms in the detection of power stealing data for different power modes.
keywords:outlier algorithm  density clustering  power frequency  association rule  evaluation matrix
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