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陆仕信1,刘国荣2 (1.湘潭大学 信息工程学院湖南 湘潭 411105 2.湖南工程学院湖南 湘潭 411104) 
中文关键词:双馈感应电机  欠阻尼特性  前馈补偿  低电压穿越
Improved Damping Control Method for Doubly Fed Wind Power Generator
Abstract:In order to research the low voltage ride through characteristics of doubly-fed induction generators, the equation of state is established and the characteristic roots is solved. By analyzing several typical improved excitation current control strategies, it is concluded that these methods used to control the rotor current reference value to accelerate the transient decay of flux. Consequently, the compensation term of the stator flux transient component is added on the basis of the reference value of the current loop, in order to optimize the system under-damping characteristics. Because the PI controller has limited capacity to adjust the AC reference,the feed forward current compensation term is introduced to correct it.Simulation results show that the improved damping control method can accelerate the decay of transient flux linkage and improve the low voltage ride through capability.
keywords:doubly fed induction generator  under-damping characteristics  feed forward compensation  low voltage ride through
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