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朱亚辉 (陕西学前师范学院 数学系陕西 西安710100) 
中文关键词:多属性群决策  专家权重  区间二元语义信息  自适应迭代算法
Determination of Bidirectional Objective Weight of Expert Based on Interval Two-tuple Linguistic Group Decision Making
Abstract:A method of determining the bidirectional objective weight of expert based on interval two-tuple linguistic group decision making is proposed.On the basis of the subjective weight of expert,the deviation weight of expert is calculated by the differences between each individual expert decision matrix and group expert decision matrix,and fuzzy weight of expert is calculated by intuitionistic fuzzy entropy of each individual expert.In the end,the stable bidirectional objective weight of expert are achieved after several iterations.The weight reflects not only the consistency between the preference information and the group preference information,but also the degree of the expert's understanding of the decision problem.The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method are approved by an instance.
keywords:multi-attribute group decision-making  expert weight  interval two-tuple linguistic information  adaptive iterative algorithm
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