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何佩林1,石跃祥1,2?覮,成洁1 (1.湘潭大学 信息工程学院湖南湘潭 411105 (2.LED照明驱动与控制应用工程技术研究中心贵州 铜仁 554300) 
中文关键词:人脸图像翻译  生成对抗文本  深度对称结构联合编码
Face Image Translation Based on Generative Adversarial Text
Abstract:In order to promote the translation effect of the?face image translation method, we propose a face image translation method based on generative adversarial text (T-GAN). According to the particularity of human face, using the method of deep symmetric structured joint embedding, the corresponding text description features of face are extracted. Then combining with the idea of generative adversarial “game”, which forcing the discriminant network to judge whether the generated image accords with the text descriptions, so that the discriminant network not only learn the relationship between the generated image and the input image, but also learn the corresponding relation between the generated image and the text descriptions to achieve the effect of intensive training. Experimental results show that the proposed method is applicable with image translation results of high quality in all kinds of skin color and hair color face image translation tasks,and the translation effect is better that compared with other image translation methods.
keywords:face image translation  generative adversarial text  deep symmetric structured joint embedding
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