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杨兴华?覮,吴伟,王林浩 (中国卫星海上测控部江苏 无锡 214434) 
中文关键词:人工智能  神经网络  预测  波动率  神经元
A Novel BP Neural Network Forecasting for Financial Cross-correlation Relationship
Abstract:An improved neural network is proposed to predict the cross-correlation coefficient of two financial time series. In order to obtain the volatility of the financial data set,an exponential BP neural network is obtained for the improvement of the traditional BP neural network,which information is not only processed locally in each neural unit by computing the dot product between its input vector and its weight vector,but also processed by adding the dot product between its exponential type function of the input vector and its corresponding new weight vector. The prediction model improves the activation function of the neural network and discusses the cross correlation prediction of the specific input and output variables. The result shows that the model is advantageous in increasing the predicting precision.
keywords:artificial intelligence  neural network  predict  volatility  neuron
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