面向电力通信可穿戴多点远程协同运维 的视频速率优化方法
引用本文:林密?覮,洪杰,于祝芳,李博.面向电力通信可穿戴多点远程协同运维 的视频速率优化方法[J].计算技术与自动化,2019,(1):25-30
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林密?覮,洪杰,于祝芳,李博 (海南电网有限责任公司海南 海口 570203) 
中文关键词:电力通信网  现场运维  WebRTC  视频速率优化方法
Video Rate Optimization Method for Wearable Multi-point Remote Cooperative Operation and Maintenance of Power Communication
Abstract:The field operation and maintenance of power communication network is very important for the stable and effective operation of power communication network and smart grid. In order to ensure the quality of operation and maintenance of power communication network and improve the operation and maintenance operation efficiency,this paper proposes a multi-point remote coordination. The video communication architecture,based on Openfire and WebRTC,has established an instant messaging system to facilitate the circulation of operation and maintenance operations and improve the operation and maintenance efficiency. The current WebRTC congestion control algorithm can not accurately and accurately adapt the video streaming data transmission rate according to the network conditions. This paper proposes a network quality based on delay-based congestion control algorithm and packet loss-based congestion control algorithm. A perceptual video rate optimization method that can effectively perceive network quality and optimize video transmission rate. This paper provides an experimental evaluation of the proposed algorithm,and provides a comparative analysis of the WebRTC-adapted congestion control algorithm through simulation results.
keywords:power communication network  field operation and maintenance  WebRTC  video rate optimization method
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