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张坤?覮,陈曦,宋云,傅明 (长沙理工大学 计算机与通信工程学院湖南 长沙 410114 ) 
中文关键词:树增强朴素贝叶斯  分类网络  评分函数  
A Method for Improving TAN Classifier
Abstract:In order to improve the classification accuracy of Tree Augmented Na?觙ve Bayes(TAN),extended the TAN structure,and proposed a learning method of building the tree-structure Bayesian network classifier with using a decomposable scoring function. When constructing a classification network,allows each attribute to have no parent node or only one attribute parent node. Applies the low-order CI test to eliminate the useless attribute firstly,and then based on improved BIC function,acquires the parent node of each attribute node with the greedy algotithom,to establish the classification model. The modified classifier behaves better than NB and TAN on both the classification accuracy and the AUC area,which proves that the proposed model performs better than TAN.
keywords:tree augment Na?觙ve Bayes  classification network  scoring function
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